here i stopped by to see the wonderful night sky with shimmering silver stars.

i see mountains, snow and much more things. I also see the sky I always look at everyday.

looking at the sun at the sunset time with oil palm trees in the beach makes me feel happy.

staying in my house makes me relaxed even more by looking at the flowers and drinking a hot steaming tea.

In the sea, I see rocks looking like mountains and sparkles the sea.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Science experiment ( clean science.)

Today we have done a science experiment.
We have done 2 of the box we bought today. 
The experiments we have done are:
Water filter 

This is distillation 

This is water filter
The first layer is gravels,
The second layer is sand that we get from the beach,
And the third is active carbon.
Well, if you have any questions, pls confirm in the comments down below.😉😉😀😃😃😃

Sunday, 22 November 2015


Hi! This photos as you can see above are the research ii did after my edX course.
Even though i am a small kid, I can stiill understand astrophysics
well, if you have any other questions just leave a comment down below and if you want me to explian just write with tour coment.