here i stopped by to see the wonderful night sky with shimmering silver stars.

i see mountains, snow and much more things. I also see the sky I always look at everyday.

looking at the sun at the sunset time with oil palm trees in the beach makes me feel happy.

staying in my house makes me relaxed even more by looking at the flowers and drinking a hot steaming tea.

In the sea, I see rocks looking like mountains and sparkles the sea.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

My favourite subject...

      Have you ever thought about how wide Science can be? Science is such a deep subject that anyone can do anything! Even walking on the street is Science and even seeing things and understanding them is also Science. Well Science is my favourite subject and i am going to share to you why..
      Science is such an interesting yet mysterious subject.. Since young I have always wondered what is Science? There would be many long word answers so to make it short, I always call it Study of Everything...
      In school, I would have many interesting questions to do. from the Multiple Choice Questions to the Long word answers I would always be wondering, is there any answers that can make it short and sweet? As I liked doing experiments and making my eyes open to various topics in Science...
      I also like Space. Space is one thing that fascinates me and i am really fond of it. We can find many exoplanets and understand and classify various stars according to their spectrum and such stuff.
      I really can't imagine how Science can be. There is a wondrous amount of knowledge we can get from science... How about you?

A Little Girl's Imagination by the world of poems...

This poem was written by Meish Goldish...
This poem inspired me on how a butterfly's life cycle is and even now i still understand the cycle of a butterfly:)


A mama butterfly lays all her eggs,
Out pops a caterpillar, crawling on its legs.

The caterpillar first is rather thin,
But then it eats till it bursts through its skin.

After growing nice and big,
The caterpillar climbs on a leaf or twig.

It makes a shell where it hangs inside.
The shell then cracks, and the parts divide.

Inside the shell, a change was going on,
The form of the caterpillar now is gone.

When the shell opens, what comes out?
A beautiful butterfly fluttering about!